Fake antivirus or more precise - fake antimalware, or rogue security programs - is a generic description for all types of malware that pretend to be protection software against virus, spyware, Trojans and other types of malware. In reality however, fake antimalware is malicious software. The most used spreading mechanism is drive-by infections from visiting web sites.
One popular technique is to manipulate search engines to display search engine results using search words that are "hot" to display web sites that are infected by fake antimalware. Such words are f.ex. big media events and other issues that people usually search for. Another technique is propagation through malicious advertisements.
The idea behind Fake Antivirus is to trick infected users into purchasing the fake antivirus product by displaying information that the computer is infected even if it is not. Some of the rogue security programs may display product names or logos in an apparently unlawful attempt to impersonate legitimate product. Some versions also disable legitimate antivirus programs, and block Internet access to security sites. The fake antimalware products often download other malware components, which in turn may download other and update themselves with new/updated modules. The result is that the malware is difficult to remove and may be quite persistent in its attempts to convince the users to buy the product.
Removal: Norman's antivirus products are in general able to remove all malicious software that is detected. Some malware, however, uses techniques that the general product does not remove sufficiently. Therefore, the free product Norman Malware Cleaner is most widely used.
Fake Antivirus, A great Risk
Posted by
Joseph Rios
8:36 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fake Antivirus
remove antivirus
Get Rid of Spycheck Anti-Spyware 2010 Rogue Antispyware
Posted by
Joseph Rios
9:24 PM
Monday, September 13, 2010
Rogue Anti-Spyware
Spycheck Anti-Spyware 2010
Spycheck Anti-Spyware 2010 is not a legitimate and Real Antispyware Program but itself a spyware, more precisely a new kind of rogue antispyware program from family of Antivirus Live. When Spycheck Anti-Spyware 2010 is started, it imitate a system scan and detect a lot of various infections that will not be fixed unless you first purchase the program. All of these infections are fake and don’t actually exist on your computer. So you can safely ignore the scan results.
Remove Spycheck Anti-Spyware 2010
Though some anti-Malware programs like MalwareBytes claim to delete this malicious fake anti-spywares, they cannot correct all the damages it causes. So you need something to fix all the damages that were left behind, to delete all the traces completely, to revive your PC from malicious trojans that may still reside and make your PC slow and to stop from getting re-infected.
Reimage is the only repair tool that fixes damaged system files, whereas other regular anti-malware and anti-spyware just deletes the rogues they don’t fix the damage left behind.
1. Start your PC in safe mode with networking, If you can`t run the IE, then you should repair the proxy settings of Internet Explorer.
2. Run Internet Explorer, Click Tools -> Internet Options. Select Connections Tab and click to Lan Settings button.
3. Uncheck “Use a proxy server” box. Click OK. Click Apply. Click OK.
Visit “http://reimagepcrepair.com” to run a Scan.
Reimage detects and terminates all Adware, Spyware, Trojans, Key-loggers, Identity Theft scripts, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware.
Remove Spycheck Anti-Spyware 2010
Though some anti-Malware programs like MalwareBytes claim to delete this malicious fake anti-spywares, they cannot correct all the damages it causes. So you need something to fix all the damages that were left behind, to delete all the traces completely, to revive your PC from malicious trojans that may still reside and make your PC slow and to stop from getting re-infected.
Reimage is the only repair tool that fixes damaged system files, whereas other regular anti-malware and anti-spyware just deletes the rogues they don’t fix the damage left behind.
1. Start your PC in safe mode with networking, If you can`t run the IE, then you should repair the proxy settings of Internet Explorer.
2. Run Internet Explorer, Click Tools -> Internet Options. Select Connections Tab and click to Lan Settings button.
3. Uncheck “Use a proxy server” box. Click OK. Click Apply. Click OK.
Visit “http://reimagepcrepair.com” to run a Scan.
Reimage detects and terminates all Adware, Spyware, Trojans, Key-loggers, Identity Theft scripts, Hijackers, Tracking Threats, Rogue Anti-Spyware.